Azra joined the team of EXPATLEGAL, a hub providing information to foreigners and expats about Czech law and living in the Czech Republic.
More Partnership with EXPATLEGALServices in the field of taxation and tax advisory
Tax accounting
tax accounting, bookkeeping and preparation of financial statements
Preparation and processing
of tax returns on income individuals and legal entities
Preparation and processing
of tax returns and other reports, registration
Preparation and processing
of VAT returns and related reports
Tax advisory services
in relation to business or employment of foreigners in the Czech Republic
Tax authority
client representation
on the liquidation of companies
expert opinions on tax issues
Tax optimization
Ing. Radka Míchalová
Radka graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the Technical University in Ostrava, specializing in Economics and Business Law (2002). During her career she gained international experience in areas of controlling, accounting and taxes. Following the Tax Exam in 2014 she has been practising the Tax Advisory.
Radka also occasionally publishes for the journal publisher Wolters Kluwer CR, Inc.
Radka within her practice focuses on:
- Tax advice for companies, entrepreneurs and private person
- Processing of tax returns – Legal person, Individuals, VAT, additional returns, reports
- Consulting and bookkeeping, tax records, payroll
- Complete legal services in the area of taxes, tax deductions, fees and other similar payments, and related issues
- German, English
Radka is interested in sport, outdoor, reading, leisure-activities for children.
Radka also occasionally publishes for the journal publisher Wolters Kluwer CR, Inc.
Radka within her practice focuses on:
- Tax advice for companies, entrepreneurs and private person
- Processing of tax returns – Legal person, Individuals, VAT, additional returns, reports
- Consulting and bookkeeping, tax records, payroll
- Complete legal services in the area of taxes, tax deductions, fees and other similar payments, and related issues
- German, English
Radka is interested in sport, outdoor, reading, leisure-activities for children.
Aug, 29
Partnership with EXPATLEGAL
Azra joined the team of EXPATLEGAL, a hub providing information to foreigners and expats about Czech law and living in the Czech Republic.
More Partnership with EXPATLEGAL
Ing. Radka Míchalová
Phone: +420 601 303 128
Borek 50, 380 01 Dačice
ID: 74563416
I am not VAT registered subject
RM-daňová a účetní kancelář s.r.o.
Borek 50, 380 01 Dačice
IČ: 06185916,
DIČ: CZ06185916 - je plátce DPH
Společnost je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Českých Budějovicích oddíl C, vložka 26292
RM Accounting s.r.o.
Borek 50, 380 01 Dačice
IČ: 11933151
Neplátce DPH
Společnost je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Českých Budějovicích oddíl C, vložka 31480